.BR Registry EPP Policy and Restrictions - technical specification Abstract This document describes the messages and error codes send between the Registro.BR EPP Server/Client via the EPP Poll command, the value restrictions of some elements in the .BR EPP server and error codes and messages in the .BR EPP server. Registro.br Informational [Page 1] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Table of Contents 1. Error Codes and messages enumerated . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. Poll messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1. Domain creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.2. Domain freezing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.3. Domain unfreezing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.4. Domain removal warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.5. Domain ownership transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.6. Ticket restored with pendings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.7. Cancel tickets of an entity with invalid document . . . . 9 2.8. Status of tickets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.9. Documents received warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.10. Ticket restored and domain created . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.11. Ticket created with pendings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.12. Domain created . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.13. Organization creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.14. Provider selection (organization) . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.15. Provider selection (domain) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.16. Organization removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.17. Organization contact transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.18. Contact class update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.19. Contact sponsoring client transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.20. Domain contact renounce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.21. Billing credit balance low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.22. Billing deposit in the provider account . . . . . . . . . 25 2.23. Billing credit adjust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.24. Successful refund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.25. Successful automatic renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.26. Unsuccessful automatic renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.27. Update contact of an organization . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.28. Update contact of a domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3. Value restrictions of elements in .BR EPP server . . . . . . . 33 4. Error codes and messages in .BR EPP server . . . . . . . . . . 36 5. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Author's Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Registro.br Informational [Page 2] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 1. Error Codes and messages enumerated The poll error codes and messages are identified by the following codes: UNSET = 0, DOMAIN_CREATE_PAN = 1, DOMAIN_FROZEN_PAYMENT, DOMAIN_FROZEN_BCO, DOMAIN_FROZEN_CG, DOMAIN_FROZEN_INCORRECT_DATA, DOMAIN_FROZEN_DNS, DOMAIN_UNFROZEN_PAYMENT, DOMAIN_UNFROZEN_BCO, DOMAIN_UNFROZEN_CG, DOMAIN_UNFROZEN_INCORRECT_DATA = 10, DOMAIN_UNFROZEN_DNS, DOMAIN_REMOVAL_PAYMENT, DOMAIN_REMOVAL_NRM, DOMAIN_REMOVAL_BCO, DOMAIN_REMOVAL_ADM, DOMAIN_OWNERSHIP_TRANSFER_NRM, DOMAIN_OWNERSHIP_TRANSFER_BCO, DOMAIN_OWNERSHIP_TRANSFER_ADM, DOMAIN_CONTACT_RENOUNCE = 20, TKT_RESTORED, TKT_CANCELLED_INVALID_ORG, TKT_UPDATE_STATUS_OK, TKT_UPDATE_STILL_PENDING, TKT_UPDATE_STATUS_NOT_OK, DOC_RECEIVED, TKT_RESTORED_DOMAIN_CREATED, TKT_CREATED, DOMAIN_CREATED, ORG_CREATE_PAN = 100, ORG_PROVIDER_SELECTION, ORG_REMOVAL, ORG_CONTACT_TRN_NRM, ORG_CONTACT_TRN_BCO, ORG_CONTACT_TRN_ADM, ORG_PROVIDER_SELECTION_DIFF_DOMAIN_RENEWAL, DOMAIN_PROVIDER_SELECTION, DOMAIN_PROVIDER_SELECTION_DIFF_DOMAIN_RENEWAL, CONTACT_CLASS_UPDATE = 200, CONTACT_SPONSORING_CLIENT_TRANSFER, CONTACT_TRANSFER, BILLING_CREDIT_BAL_LOW = 300, BILLING_DEPOSIT, Registro.br Informational [Page 3] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 BILLING_CREDIT_ADJUST, BILLING_REFUND, BILLING_AUTO_RENEW_OK, BILLING_AUTO_RENEW_NOT_OK, ORG_UPDATE_CONTACT_CONFIRMED = 400, ORG_UPDATE_CONTACT_REJECTED, ORG_UPDATE_CONTACT_ABORTED, ORG_UPDATE_CONTACT_EXPIRED, DOMAIN_UPDATE_CONTACT_CONFIRMED, DOMAIN_UPDATE_CONTACT_REJECTED, DOMAIN_UPDATE_CONTACT_ABORTED, DOMAIN_UPDATE_CONTACT_EXPIRED }; 2. Poll messages The following XML messages are send through the Poll as result of EPP command processing. 2.1. Domain creation code DOMAIN_CREATE_PAN This message is sent when the ticket is converted in a domain name sucessfully, or when the ticket is cancelled for any reason - in this case, a element will be sent in the extesion, with the cancel reason. Example of XML message after a domain creation: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 1999-04-04T22:01:00.0Z 1 Pending domain create completed. example.can.br Registro.br Informational [Page 4] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 example.can.br ABC-123 DEF-456 1999-04-01T18:01:00.0Z 12345 EPP domain create was accepted and the domain was registered. According to the TSE Resolution Number 20, February 5th, 2004, the domains ending with can.br will be automatically cancelled after the first round of voting, except the domains belonging to candidates participating in the second round of voting, which will be cancelled after the second round. BCD-23456 65432-WXY 2.2. Domain freezing code [DOMAIN_FROZEN_PAYMENT|DOMAIN_FROZEN_BCO|DOMAIN_FROZEN_CG| DOMAIN_FROZEN_INCORRECT_DATA|DOMAIN_FROZEN_DNS] When the domain name is frozen due to lack of payment, judicial decision, CG decision, incorrect information ou invalid DNS servers. A message will be sent to warn that the domain name was frozen, the frozen reason and the current domain status. Registro.br Informational [Page 5] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Notice: A domain name can be frozen for more than one reason. Everytime it is frozen for a different reason, a new message will be sent with the reason. Example of XML message after a domain update to freeze the domain: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 1999-04-04T22:01:00.0Z 6 Domain frozen due to incorrect DNS delegation. example.com.br onHold billing dns BCD-23456 65432-WXY 2.3. Domain unfreezing code: [DOMAIN_UNFROZEN_PAYMENT|DOMAIN_UNFROZEN_BCO| DOMAIN_UNFROZEN_CG| DOMAIN_UNFROZEN_INCORRECT_DATA|DOMAIN_UNFROZEN_DNS] When the domain name is frozen due to lack of payment, judicial decision, CG decision, incorrect information ou invalid DNS servers. A message will be sent to warn that the domain name was unfrozen, the unfrozen reason and the current domain status. Notice: A domain name can be frozen for more than one reason. Due to this, it can be unfrozen by a reason, and stay frozen by other Registro.br Informational [Page 6] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 reasons. Everytime it is unfrozen, a new message will be sent with the unfronzen reason. Exemple: Idem above 2.4. Domain removal warning code [DOMAIN_REMOVAL_PAYMENT|DOMAIN_REMOVAL_NRM| DOMAIN_REMOVAL_BCO|DOMAIN_REMOVAL_ADM] A domain name can be removed by lack of payment, normal procedure (registrant request), judicial procedure (judicial request), administrative procedure (invalid document). In any of these cases, an EPP message will be sent confirming the domain removal. The code and the text of the message indicate the removal reason. Example of XML message to warning about a domain removal: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 1999-04-04T22:01:00.0Z 13 Domain removed by the registrant. example.com.br BCD-23456 65432-WXY Registro.br Informational [Page 7] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 2.5. Domain ownership transfer code [DOMAIN_OWNERSHIP_TRANSFER_NRM|DOMAIN_OWNERSHIP_TRANSFER_BCO| DOMAIN_OWNERSHIP_TRANSFER_ADM] A domain name can be transferred from one organization to another one by a normal procedure (registrant request), a judicial procedure (judicial request) or an administrative request (invalid document). Example of XML message to warning about a domain ownership transfer: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 1999-04-04T22:01:00.0Z 16 Domain ownership transferred by the registrant. example.com.br 123.456.789/1234-56 987.654.321/4321-65 BCD-23456 65432-WXY 2.6. Ticket restored with pendings code TKT_RESTORED In some special cases a ticket can be restored. In these cases, an EPP message will be queued to notify that the ticket was restored. This message contains the domain name and the old and new ticket numbers. The domain name is created only after all pendings are removed. Registro.br Informational [Page 8] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Example of XML message to warning about a ticket restored in the system: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 1999-04-04T22:01:00.0Z 21 Ticket restored with pendings. example.com.br 12345 54321 BCD-23456 65432-WXY 2.7. Cancel tickets of an entity with invalid document code TKT_CANCELLED_INVALID_ORG When an organization use an invalid document, it will be cancelled as soon as the infraction is confirmed. When a organization is cancelled, all its tickets will be cancelled automatically. For each cancelled ticket, an EPP message will be sent with the ticket number. Registro.br Informational [Page 9] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Example of XML message to warning about the cancelled tickets of an entity with invalid document: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 1999-04-04T22:01:00.0Z 22 Ticket cancelled due to invalid organization. example.com.br 12345 BCD-23456 65432-WXY 2.8. Status of tickets code [TKT_UPDATE_STATUS_OK|TKT_UPDATE_STILL_PENDING| TKT_UPDATE_STATUS_NOT_OK] A ticket status can be changed via the Registro. br administrative system. The modifications are to solve documentation and/or DNS pendencies. For each modification, a message will be sent warning if the ticket is OK and will be converted in a domain name (TKT_UPDATE_STATUS_OK), or if it continues with pendencies (TKT_UPDATE_STILL_PENDING), or if it will be cancelled (TKT_UPDATE_STATUS_NOT_OK). Example of XML message about the status of a ticket registration: Idem above Registro.br Informational [Page 10] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 2.9. Documents received warning code DOC_RECEIVED For each received document, a message will be sent identifying the document and informing the status (received, invalid ou incorrect) and the list of affected tickets by the documentation received. Example of XML message to warning about the documents received: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 1999-04-04T22:01:00.0Z 26 Document received. 000.101.266/0001-20 CNPJ OK 2527352 2527353 2527354 lmdesign.com.br BCD-23456 65432-WXY 2.10. Ticket restored and domain created code TKT_RESTORED_DOMAIN_CREATED In some special cases a ticket can be restored. In these cases, an EPP message will be queued to notify that the ticket was restored. This message contains the domain name and the old and new ticket numbers. This code also means that the domain name is already Registro.br Informational [Page 11] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 registered. Example of XML message notifying that a ticket was restored and the domain name created Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 2000-06-18T13:00:00.0Z 27 Ticket restored and domain created. example.com.br 2822341 2822342 BCD-23456 65432-WXY 2.11. Ticket created with pendings code TKT_CREATED In some special cases a ticket for a new domain name can be created by the Registry. In these cases, an EPP message will be queued to notify that the ticket was created with pendings. This message contains the domain name and a ticket number. The domain name is created only after all pendings are removed. Registro.br Informational [Page 12] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Example of XML message notifying that a ticket was created Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 2000-06-18T13:30:00.0Z 28 Ticket created with pendings. example.com.br 2822340 BCD-23456 65432-WXY 2.12. Domain created code DOMAIN_CREATED In some special cases a domain name can be created by the Registry. In these cases, an EPP message will be queued to notify that the domain name was created. This message contains the domain name and a ticket number. Registro.br Informational [Page 13] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Example of XML message notifying that a new domain name was created Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 2000-06-18T13:30:00.0Z 29 Domain created. example.com.br 2822341 BCD-23456 65432-WXY 2.13. Organization creation code ORG_CREATE_PAN This message is sent when a new organization is effectively registered or its register is denied. In case of a register request cancelled, an element will be sent in the extension, justifying the cancellation reason. Example of XML message after a organization creation: Registro.br Informational [Page 14] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 2006-07-07T13:24:21.0Z 100 Pending organization create completed. 04857383600010 e123450 ABC-12345 54321-XYZ 2005-12-05T12:00:00.0Z 004.857.383/6000-10 Este documento nao existe na base de dados da SRF. BCD-23456 65432-WXY Registro.br Informational [Page 15] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 2.14. Provider selection (organization) code: [ORG_PROVIDER_SELECTION| ORG_PROVIDER_SELECTION_DIFF_DOMAIN_RENEWAL] Everytime the administrative contact of an organization selects a service provider via web interface, a poll message is queued warning the new and the old service providers. If this organization has any pending renewal with a value different from what is billed to the service provider, poll messages are queued with the domain names in this situation. Each message may contain up to 4 domain names. Example of XML message after a provider selection: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 1999-04-04T22:01:00.0Z 101 Service provider selection. 23.456.789/1234-56 5 2 BCD-23456 65432-WXY Registro.br Informational [Page 16] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Example of XML message listing the domain names whose pending renewals has a value different from what is billed to service providers: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 2006-06-21T18:01:30.0Z 106 Service provider selection. Different renewal value for some domain names. 007.777.529/0001-65 30.00 example.com.br example2.com.br 1433925857 20060621180317-080-0028 2.15. Provider selection (domain) code: [DOMAIN_PROVIDER_SELECTION| DOMAIN_PROVIDER_SELECTION_DIFF_DOMAIN_RENEWAL] Everytime the administrative contact of a domain selects a service provider via web interface, a poll message is queued warning the new and the old service providers. If this domain has any pending renewal with a value different from what is billed to the service provider, poll messages are queued with the domain name in this situation. Registro.br Informational [Page 17] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Example of XML message after a provider selection: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 1999-04-04T22:01:00.0Z 107 Service provider selection. example.com.br 5 2 BCD-23456 65432-WXY Registro.br Informational [Page 18] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Example of XML message listing the domain name whose pending renewals has a value different from what is billed to service providers: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 2006-06-21T18:01:30.0Z 108 Service provider selection. Different renewal value for domain name. example.com.br 30.00 1433925857 20060621180317-080-0028 2.16. Organization removal code ORG_REMOVAL An organization can be cancelled and, if it occurs, the service provider will be notified through an EPP message. Registro.br Informational [Page 19] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Example of XML message after a organization cancellation: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 1999-04-04T22:01:00.0Z 102 Organization removed due to invalid data 060.409.075/0029-53 BCD-23456 65432-WXY 2.17. Organization contact transfer code [ORG_CONTACT_TRN_NRM|ORG_CONTACT_TRN_BCO|ORG_CONTACT_TRN_ADM] There are an out-of-band procedure to transfer a contact from an organization to another. When this procedure is accomplished, a message will be sent to the service provider warning the new and the old administrative contacts. Registro.br Informational [Page 20] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Example of XML message after a organization contact transfer: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 1999-04-04T22:01:00.0Z 103 Organization contact transferred by the registrant. 123.456.789/1234-56 aaa123 bbb123 BCD-23456 65432-WXY 2.18. Contact class update code CONTACT_CLASS_UPDATE Every contacts created via EPP cannot log in the Registro.br web system. So that a contact can have access to the Registro.br web interface is necessary that it does an upgrade. After the upgrade, the service provider cannot anymore modify or remove the contact. A message will be sent warning the service provider the contact was upgraded. Registro.br Informational [Page 21] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Example of XML message warning about a contact class update: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 1999-04-04T22:01:00.0Z 200 Contact class update. aaa123 BCD-23456 65432-WXY 2.19. Contact sponsoring client transfer code CONTACT_SPONSORING_CLIENT_TRANSFER A contact of a service provider can be transferred to another provider via Registro.br administrative system, and the new and the old service providers will be informed by an EPP message. Registro.br Informational [Page 22] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Example of XML message warning about a contact sponsoring client transfer: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 1999-04-04T22:01:00.0Z 201 Organization contact transferred by the registry. aaa123 1 2 BCD-23456 65432-WXY 2.20. Domain contact renounce code DOMAIN_CONTACT_RENOUNCE A domain contact can renounce its position. In this case, the contact will be automatically replaced with the organization contact that owns the domain name. A message will be sent indicating the domain name, the contact type that renounced and the handle of the new contact. The possible contact types are adm, tec and cob. Registro.br Informational [Page 23] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Example of XML message after a domain contact renounce: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 1999-04-04T22:01:00.0Z 20 Domain Contact Renounced. example.com.br adm bbb123 BCD-23456 65432-WXY 2.21. Billing credit balance low code BILLING_CREDIT_BAL_LOW When the billing credit of a service provider is below the minimum limit stipulated in a contract, a message will be sent warning about the balance. Registro.br Informational [Page 24] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Example of XML message warning about billing credit balance low: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 1999-04-04T22:01:00.0Z 300 Credit balance low. 970.00 BCD-23456 65432-WXY 2.22. Billing deposit in the provider account code BILLING_DEPOSIT When a deposit is accomplished in the provider account, a message will be sent notifying the success of the operation, with the value and the current balance. Registro.br Informational [Page 25] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Example of XML message warning about a billing deposit in the provider account: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 1999-04-04T22:01:00.0Z 301 Deposit notification. 500.00 1200.00 BCD-23456 65432-WXY 2.23. Billing credit adjust code BILLING_CREDIT_ADJUST It can occur credit adjust of an invoice whose the payment was effected improperly. In this case, a message will be sent warning if it was a credit or debit operation, and the value of the transaction. Registro.br Informational [Page 26] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Example of XML message warning about a billing credit adjust in the provider account: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 1999-04-04T22:01:00.0Z 302 Credit adjustment. 1500.00 + 9000.00 BCD-23456 65432-WXY 2.24. Successful refund code BILLING_REFUND If the service provider demands a refund, a message will be sent to the provider to notify the refund value and the current credit balance. Registro.br Informational [Page 27] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Example of XML message to notify a refund: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 2006-06-26T19:52:58.0Z 303 Refund notification. 1000.00 9937.00 846930886 20060626202022-015-0002 2.25. Successful automatic renewal code BILLING_AUTO_RENEW_OK If the service provider sets the automatic renewal flag in a particular domain, it will be automatically renewed on its expiration date, then a message will be sent to the provider to notify the successful renewal. Registro.br Informational [Page 28] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Example of XML message to notify a successful automatic renewal: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 2006-06-28T18:15:22.0Z 304 Automatic renewal successfully done. nic.br 294702567 20060628181636-015-0025 2.26. Unsuccessful automatic renewal code BILLING_AUTO_RENEW_NOT_OK If the service provider sets the automatic renewal flag in a particular domain, the automatic renewal can fail due to insufficient credit. If the automatic renewal fails, an EPP message will be sent to the service provider to notify the automatic renewal failure. Additionally, the message will inform the provider to insert credit and send an EPP renew command in order to renew the domain. Registro.br Informational [Page 29] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Example of XML message to notify an unsuccessful automatic renewal: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 2006-06-28T17:37:49.0Z 305 Automatic renewal failure due to insufficient credit. To renew this domain is necessary to make a deposit in the provider's account and send an EPP renew command. nic.br 719885386 20060628180022-015-0005 2.27. Update contact of an organization code: [ORG_UPDATE_CONTACT_CONFIRMED|ORG_UPDATE_CONTACT_REJECTED| ORG_UPDATE_CONTACT_ABORTED|ORG_UPDATE_CONTACT_EXPIRED] On an organization update, if there's an admin contact swap and this new contact does not belong to the provider, a confirmation request will be sent to this new user asking for her approval to take the position as the organization's contact, and the contact swap will be kept on hold until any of the following situations happens: the user approves the swap; the user rejects the swap; a new, more recent, command requests the admin contact swap for a new user (effectively aborting the older pending contact swap); the pending contact swap expires. In any of the above cases, an EPP message will be sent informing the operation result. Registro.br Informational [Page 30] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Important: only in the first case (when the user confirms the swap) the contact swap is executed, as informed by the paResult attribute of the XML message. Example of XML to notify about the result of a pending contact swap: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 2021-04-05T12:21:30.0Z 403 Pending contact swap expired. 123.456.789/1234-56 VELHO123 NOVO456 123.456.789/1234-56 BCD-23456 65432-WXY 2021-03-25T17:51:10.0Z 123.456.789/1234-56 ABC-1234 4321-WXY Registro.br Informational [Page 31] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 2.28. Update contact of a domain codigo: [DOMAIN_UPDATE_CONTACT_CONFIRMED| DOMAIN_UPDATE_CONTACT_REJECTED| DOMAIN_UPDATE_CONTACT_ABORTED|DOMAIN_UPDATE_CONTACT_EXPIRED] On a domain update, if there's a contact swap and this new contact does not belong to the provider, a confirmation request will be sent to this new user asking for her approval to take the position as a domain's contact, and the contact swap will be kept on hold until any of the following situations happens: the user approves the swap; the user rejects the swap; a new, more recent, command requests the admin contact swap for a new user (effectively aborting the older pending contact swap); the pending contact swap expires. In any of the above cases, an EPP message will be sent informing the operation result. Important: only in the first case (when the user confirms the swap) the contact swap is executed, as informed by the paResult attribute of the XML message. Registro.br Informational [Page 32] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Example of XML to notify about the result of a pending contact swap: Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue 2021-04-08T13:13:12.0Z 404 Contact swap confirmed. exemplo.com.br VELHO123 NOVO456 exemplo.com.br 1365784557 20210408130215-2FAAA780-107-0015 2021-04-08T13:02:15.0Z ABC-1234 4321-WXY 3. Value restrictions of elements in .BR EPP server Some EPP elements have value restrictions in the .BR EPP server, as described following: Registro.br Informational [Page 33] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 - The EPP server allows ISO-88591 defined characters only. However, the XML document still have encoding UTF-8 as defined in the EPP protocol specification. - Parameter lang - accepts only "pt" or "en" (default) - Parameter type in postalInfo: MUST BE "loc" type. Any other else will return a server error. - postalInfo: Just ONE per object, containing THREE street attributes, each one containing the street (136 characters), the number (5 characters) and the complement (12 characters), respectively, IN THIS ORDER. When an UPDATE command was made in postalInfo, the three street attributes must be filled, even tough they wasn't modified. - voice: Must have the format +II.DDN[1-12], where II must be 55 (Brazil's contry code) and DD the area code of the city. - Ignored attributes by the EPP server in any command: - authInfo - disclose - fax - registrant - org - upID (contact:info and domain:info) - trDate (contact:info and domain:info) - secDNS:maxSigLife (domain:create and domain:update) - Not implemented commands: - transfer - contact:check (the contact IDs are created automatically by Registro.BR) - contact:info: - roid: format "c_[user_handle]-BR" - status: always set as "ok" - contact:create: - name: the contact name maximum length is 40 characters and it must have at least two strings separated by whitespace. - id: set with an id created by the system. If exist some else id with same name, email and provider, it will warn the object already exists. - contact:update: - Do not allow modification of name attribute. - domain:info: - roid: format "d_[domain_id]-BR" - status: "ok" or "pendingCreate" (when a ticket is created). - Must have three contact attributes, with types "admin", "tech" and "billing" - May have zero, one or two DS records Registro.br Informational [Page 34] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 - domain:create: - period attribute defined in years. The renewal period must be between 1 and 10 - any other else returns an error. - ns attribute: Must have at least two DNS servers with authoritative answer to the domain name to create it. Otherwise a ticket will be created for the domain, with DNS pendencies. - dnskey attribute: Optional. This attribute going to be converted in a DS record. A domain may have zero, one or two DS records. This attribute cannot coexist with the ds attribute. - ds attribute: Optional. A domain may have zero, one or two DS records. This attribute cannot coexist with the dnskey attribute. - releaseProcessFlags attribute: Optional. Only flag1 is allowed - all other flags returns an error. The flag1 indicates that the organization has ownership over trademark of the domain name. [release-process] - domain:renew: - period attribute defined in years. The renewal period must be between 1 and 10 - any other else returns an error. - is only going to be allowed renewal of a domain owned by the provider or that is not associated with any provider. Is not going to be allowed renewal of a domain associated with other provider. - curExpDate attribute: Must be in UTC - domain:update: - status: ignored - contact: accept only "admin", "tech" or "billing" types. - dnskey attribute: Optional. This attribute is going to be converted in a DS record. A domain may have zero, one or two DS records. This attribute cannot coexist with the ds attribute. - ds: ds records are optional and may be added, removed or changed. In case of change, all the current DS records are removed and the provided records are added. This attribute cannot coexist with the dnskey attribute. - domain:delete: - Domain must be registered less than 5 days. - Domain can only be deleted by the provider that created it. - Provider can only delete 3% of the created domains of the last 5 days. - brorg:check: - contact id: ignored Registro.br Informational [Page 35] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 - brorg:info: - roid: format "e_[entity_id]-BR" for entities registered effectively or "[provider_id]_[creation_date]_[document_type]_[ document_number]-BR" for entities with a temporary registry (with pendencies). - status: "ok" for entities registered effectively, "pendingCreate" for temporary entities and "linked" for existent entities that own domain names. - email: ignored. - brorg:create and brorg:update: - name: the organization name maximum length is 50 characters and it must have at least two strings separated by whitespace. - contact: the organization mapping alows three types of contact (admin, billing and member) but the Registro.br policy only allows the admin contact type. - responsible: the responsible is an optional attribute according to the organization mapping but it will be ignored if the document type is CPF. The responsible maximum length is 40 characters and it must have at least two strings separated by whitespace. The responsible default value is: - the name of the contact indicated by the contact handle when the document type is CNPJ. - the organization name when the document type is CPF. - Contact change via EPP command is only allowed if the current contact did not generate a password via WEB interface, otherwise it's necessary to follow the Registro.br contact transfer procedure. 4. Error codes and messages in .BR EPP server - LOGIN Command - AUTHENTICATION_ERROR - wrong password or wrong connection IP. - AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_CLOSING_CONN - number of wrong login attempts exceeded. - SESSION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - simultaneos connections limit exceeded. - PARAMETER_POLICY_ERROR - password update with the same value of the current password. - OK - password updated successfully or command completed sucessfully. - LOGOUT Command Registro.br Informational [Page 36] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 - COMMAND_FAILED - problems to logout. - OK_ENDING_SESSION - command completed successfully. - CONTACT CHECK Command - UNIMPLEMENTED_COMMAND - unimplemented command. - CONTACT CREATE Command - PARAMETER_MISSING - returned message: "Invalid postalInfo type. Currently, only the loc type is supported." - OBJECT_EXISTS - a contact already exists with the same name, email and provider. - PARAMETER_POLICY_ERROR - possible returned messages: Invalid contact name Invalid email Invalid phone number or extension Invalid address Invalid address number Invalid city Invalid state Invalid postal code Invalid country Inexistent state Inexistent city Incompatible city and state Incompatible Postal code and city Can not set an international address for this contact - OK - command completed successfully. - CONTACT INFO Command - OBJECT_DOESNT_EXIST - inexistent contact. - OK - command completed successfully. - CONTACT TRANSFER Command - UNIMPLEMENTED_COMMAND - unimplemented command. - CONTACT UPDATE Command - AUTHORIZATION_ERROR: attempt of update by a provider that doesn't own the contact. - OBJECT_DOESNT_EXIST - inexisten contact. - PARAMETER_POLICY_ERROR - possible returned messages: Invalid phone number or extension Invalid email Invalid postalInfo type. Currently, only the loc type is supported. Registro.br Informational [Page 37] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Contact name cannot be modified. Invalid address Invalid address number Invalid city Invalid state Invalid postal code Invalid country Inexistent state Inexistent city Incompatible city and state Incompatible Postal code and city Can not set an international address for this contact - OK - command completed successfully. - BRDOMAIN RENEW Command - AUTHORIZATION_ERROR - attempt of renewal by a provider that doesn't own the domain name. - COMMAND_FAILED - couldn't get the domain name or the provider data or couldn't accomplish the renewal - DATA_MGMT_POLICY_VIOLATION - returned message: "No pending payment found for this domain name" - PARAMETER_POLICY_ERROR - possible returned messages: Expiration date mismatch Invalid period. Only 'y' is accepted as unit. Invalid period. The domain must not be renewed for more than 10 years. - BILLING_FAILURE - returned message: "Insufficient credit for domain renewal" - OBJECT_DOESNT_EXIST - inexistent domain name. - OK - command completed successfully. - BRDOMAIN CHECK Command - AUTHORIZATION_ERROR - attempt of check by a provider that doesn't administrate the entity that owns of the domain. - PARAMETER_MISSING - no domain name for checking. - OK - command completed successfully. - BRDOMAIN INFO Command - OBJECT_DOESNT_EXIST - inexistent domain. - COMMAND_FAILED - failure to execute the command. - OK - command completed successfully. - BRDOMAIN CREATE Command - BILLING_FAILURE - returned message: "Insufficient credit to pay all active tickets" Registro.br Informational [Page 38] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 - PARAMETER_POLICY_ERROR - possible returned messages: Invalid period. Only 'y' is accepted as unit. System doesn't allow more than 1 IPv4 address for each nameserver System doesn't allow more than 1 IPv6 address for each nameserver Invalid IP version Duplicate contact handle Inexistent organization CNPJ not active Invalid or underage CPF Provider cannot register domains for this organization ID not admin contact for this organization Invalid domain Invalid TLD Invalid syntax of domain's second part Max size is 35 characters. TMax size is 26 characters. Domain name already registered. Domain reserved for EDU.BR transition. Domain already registered under similar syntax Domain reserved by the Brazilian Internet Steering Comitee Time limit expired for applying for this domain name Invalid CAN.BR syntax Domain name already has concurrent tickets Organization already has this name under a different TLD. Limit of domain names exceeded for organization Limit of active tickets exceeded for organization Domain name cannot be registered by an organization exempt from documentation Error importing ticket Existing domain name An error ocurred while processing this request Organization has payment pendings expired Limit of release process active tickets exceeded for organization Limit of active payment pendings exceeded for organization Ticket cannot be issued while similar domain name isn't paid Invalid hostname Duplicated hostname Invalid IPv6 address Invalid IP address Missing DNS server Invalid Province Registro.br Informational [Page 39] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Inexistent state Inexistent city Incompatible city and state Incompatible Postal code and city Domain name is reserved for being a known brand Domain name is a dirty word Domain name is reserved by court order Domain name is reserved by the Brazilian Internet Steering Commitee Domain name waiting for next release process Domain name having documents checked within release process Domain name is reserved because it was already offered in more than 6 release processes This domain name can only be registered for the owner of the same domain name withouth the 'www' prefix It's not permitted to register names of the release process with the 'www' prefix Billing contact of the domain can not have an international address Unexpected Error - PARAMETER_POLICY_ERROR - possible returned messages (DNSSEC only): Maximum number of ds records exceeded Invalid key tag Invalid algorithm type Invalid digest type Invalid digest length Duplicated DS record Missing mandatory DS record In order to enter a DS record, all DNS servers must be correctly configured - DATA_MGMT_POLICY_VIOLATION - possible returned messages: No signature Signature expired Key not found SEP bit not set Invalid signature Timeout Non-authoritative answer Unknown domain name Unknown host DNS fail Query refused DNS error Registro.br Informational [Page 40] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Connection refused Canonical name SOA version - ASSOCIATION_PROHIBITS_OPERATION - attempt of associate the domain name with an inexistent organization - returned message: "Inexistent organization". - OK_ACTION_PENDING - command completed successfully, ticket create with pendencies (documentation, dns and/or release process). - OK - command completed successfully, domain name registered. - BRDOMAIN UPDATE Command - AUTHORIZATION_ERROR - attempt of update by a provider that doesn't administrate the entity that owns the domain name. - OBJECT_DOESNT_EXIST - inexistent domain name. - COMMAND_FAILED - failure to execute the command. - STATUS_PROHIBITS_OPERATION - possible returned messages: This domain name is on-hold This domain name is on-hold because of invalid data. No name server changes allowed. - PARAMETER_POLICY_ERROR - possible returned messages: This name server is not delegated to this domain name. Duplicated name server System doesn't allow more than 5 name servers per domain name At least 2 name servers must be informed Invalid IP version System doesn't allow more than 1 IPv4 address for each nameserver System doesn't allow more than 1 IPv6 address for each nameserver Invalid host name Invalid IP address This handle is not listed as an admin contact for this domain name This handle is not listed as a technical contact for this domain name This handle is not listed as a billing contact for this domain name Invalid contact type Duplicate contact handle There must exist exactly one admin contact handle TThere must exist exactly one technical contact handle There must exist exactly one billing contact handle Registro.br Informational [Page 41] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 Invalid contact handle This contact type cannot be modified for domain names with pendingCreate status There is no public key corresponding to the provided key tag DNSSEC extension misuse Maximum number of ds records exceeded Public key validation failed Invalid key tag Invalid algorithm type Invalid digest type Invalid digest length Duplicated DS record DNSSEC not supported for this domain Billing contact of the domain can not have an international address - DATA_MGMT_POLICY_VIOLATION - possible returned messages: Query timed out Non-authoritative answer Unknown domain name Unknown host DNS fail Query refused Connection refused Canonical name DNS error SOA version Invalid DS - No signature Invalid DS - Signature expired Invalid DS - Key not found Invalid DS - SEP bit not set Invalid DS - Invalid signature Invalid DS - Timeout checking DS Invalid DS - Unexpected DS error - OK - command completed successfully. - DOMAIN DELETE Command - OBJECT_DOESNT_EXIST - inexistent domain name. - STATUS_PROHIBITS_OPERATION - possible returned messages: Domain delete allowed only for the provider that created the domain Domain delete period gone Domain delete rate exceeded - COMMAND_FAILED - failure to execute the command. - OK - command completed successfully. Registro.br Informational [Page 42] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 - BRORG CHECK Command - PARAMETER_MISSING - no organization for checking. - OK - command completed successfully. - BRORG INFO Command - OBJECT_DOESNT_EXIST - inexistent organization. - PARAMETER_POLICY_ERROR - returned message: "Invalid document". - OK - ommand completed successfully. - BRORG CREATE Command - OBJECT_EXISTS - organization already exists. - PARAMETER_MISSING - returned message: "Invalid postalInfo type. Currently, only the loc type is supported". - OK_ACTION_PENDING - command completed, documentation of the organization will be verified in the SRF (documentation pendency). - PARAMETER_POLICY_ERROR - possible returned messages: Invalid document Invalid document. SRF not regular Invalid document. SRF suspended Invalid document. SRF inapt Invalid document. SRF canceled Invalid document. SRF non existent Invalid document. SRF null Blocked document. If you want to use this document to register domain names, please contact us at hostmaster@registro.br or by telephone at +55 11 5509-3500. Invalid provider ID Invalid clTRID Invalid entity name Invalid contact handle Invalid phone number or extension Invalid address Invalid address number Invalid city Invalid state Invalid country Invalid postal code Inexistent state Inexistent city Incompatible city and state Incompatible Postal code and city Invalid responsible - the responsible (optional) is not provided and the responsible default value can not be set (probably it won't occur). Registro.br Informational [Page 43] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 - OK - command completed successfully, organization registered. Admin contact handle can not have an international address CNPJ not active Invalid or underage CPF - BRORG UPDATE Command - PARAMETER_POLICY_ERROR - possible returned messages: Invalid document Invalid phone number or extension Organizations represented by proxies cannot update their names Invalid entity name Invalid address Invalid address number Invalid city Invalid state Invalid country Invalid postal code Inexistent state Inexistent city Incompatible city and state Incompatible Postal code and city This handle is not listed as an admin contact for this organization Invalid contact type Duplicate contact handle There must exist exactly one admin contact handle Invalid contact handle Invalid responsible Admin contact handle can not have an international address - AUTHORIZATION_ERROR - attempt of update by a provider that doesn't administrate the organization. - PARAMETER_MISSING - returned message: "Invalid postalInfo type. Currently, only the loc type is supported". - OBJECT_DOESNT_EXIST - inexistent organization. - STATUS_PROHIBITS_OPERATION - organization pending of creation cannot be updated. - OK - command completed successfully. - POLL Command - OK_NO_MESSAGES - command completed successfully, no messages in the queue. Registro.br Informational [Page 44] .BR EPP Policy and Restrictions Aug 2021 - OK_ACK_DEQUEUE - command completed successfully, first message in the queue was recovered. - OK - command completed successfully. - COMMAND_USE_ERROR - invalid parameter "op" (must be only "req" or "ack"). 5. References [I-D.neves-epp-brdomain] Neves, F. and H. Kobayashi, "BR Domain Mapping for the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP)", draft-neves-epp-brdomain-05 (work in progress), August 2011, . [I-D.neves-epp-brorg] Neves, F. and H. Kobayashi, "BR Organization Mapping for the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP)", draft-neves-epp-brorg-06 (work in progress), August 2011, . [release-process] Neves, F. and H. Kobayashi, "Domains Release Process", . Author's Address NIC.br / Registro.br Nacoes Unidas Ave., 11541, 7th floor Sao Paulo, SP 04578-000 BR Phone: +55 11 5509 3511 Email: epp-suporte@registro.br URI: https://registro.br/ Registro.br Informational [Page 45]